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What our students say: more
“enjoyed this program very much and I learned about topics I had no background in, which was exactly what I had hoped for. Thank you.”

High School Summer Program

Summer 2025: July 22 - August 8, 2025
Application Deadline:
March 1, 2025 for Early Registration
April 5, 2025 for Regular Registration
More information will be posted soon. Please join our email list to receive a notification when registration opens. You can read information about last summer's program below.

The High School Summer Program (HSSP) has three options -- in-person, zoom, and remote classes. In-person classes will be held at New York University from 10am to 3pm each weekday, including lunch from 12pm to 1pm. Zoom classes connect to the in-person classes and have a dedicated TA. Remote classes run from 10am to 12pm and from 1pm to 3pm (with a break from 12pm to 1pm).

Instructors and teaching assistants are amiable and helpful, and the atmosphere is open and collaborative.

Students are expected to work hard in the program and have fun. Fridays are set aside for unorthodox activities, mathematical games, team-building, and more.

Our summer program is in its eighteenth year, having started in 2008. The American Mathematical Society has recognized our program with its Epsilon Award for nine years. You can read some of the lovely comments from past students here.

To subscribe to announcements about student programs, see our subscription page.

Online Summer High School Math Circle (Registration Closed)

When: July 20 - August 6, 2020, Monday - Friday, 10am - 3pm. (Offline unsupervised lunch break from 12-1 pm)
Where: Online.
Exam Dates: May 9 (exam due on May 10)
Application Requirements: Completed application and qualifying exam.
See Application Process below.
    July/August 2020
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The Online Summer Program is open to all high school students with an interest in learning and doing mathematics above and beyond the regular curriculum.

Interesting topics and intriguing problems will be explored in a casual setting, providing ample challenges for high school students of varying levels. This program emphasizes problem-solving and posing, through a variety of fascinating topics in number theory, algebra, geometry, and more.

This program is appropriate for students wishing to acquire a deeper insight into mathematics, to develop their reasoning and analytical skills, to practice for a math team, or simply to have fun learning and doing wonderful mathematics.

Students are expected to attend the entire 3-week program.

Attendance Policy

Because we have a limited number of places in our program and need consideration for students on our waiting list, students should attend for the entire three weeks.


We require all students to be fully comfortable with at least the first year of regular high school curriculum. Priority for the High School Summer Program will be given to students entering grades 9-12 in the fall, and placement into levels will depend on students’ mathematical level rather than grade level. This is an intensive program, and all levels require willingness to work hard.